Managing Allergy Season With Canopy
After a long, cold winter, we all look forward to warm, sunny days spent outdoors. Although a breath of fresh air is always welcome, pollen and other airborne substances can quickly put...
Find solutions for managing allergy symptoms effectively. Learn how Canopy humidifiers and diffusers help create a cleaner, more comfortable living space.
Managing Allergy Season With Canopy
After a long, cold winter, we all look forward to warm, sunny days spent outdoors. Although a breath of fresh air is always welcome, pollen and other airborne substances can quickly put...
5 Tips for Sleeping Better With Allergies
When allergy season hits, do you spend your days feeling zoned out because you can’t get a good night’s rest? If so, you aren’t alone. As if the congestion, sneezing, scratchy...
Why Humidifiers Are Essential for Campus Living
This content has been reviewed and updated on August 14, 2024. For many college students, living in a dorm room or campus apartment is a typical experience. It offers an...
How to Help Your Little One With Seasonal Allergies
If you have seasonal allergies—also known as hay fever—you may be familiar with the sniffling, sneezing, and other symptoms that allergens can cause. Most adults typically know when their symptoms...
What Happens to Your Skin During Spring?
Your habits change each season, so your skincare routine should also change. You spend more time indoors during winter to escape the cold, dry air. Cranking the furnace increases comfort...
How Does Weather Affect Allergies?
What Type of Humidifier Is Best for Allergies?
This content has been reviewed and updated on April 21, 2023. There are numerous contributors to the frequency of allergy flare-ups, including air quality. Breathing in certain substances can cause...
How to Get Rid of Allergies
This content has been reviewed and updated on May 2, 2023. For the 50 million Americans who experience seasonal allergies, the changing of the seasons is less a cause for celebration...
Does a Vaporizer Help With Allergies?
This content has been reviewed and updated on May 23, 2024. Got allergies? You’re in good company: As many as 50 million Americans experience the aggravating symptoms of hay fever. The good...