Two young women walking on city street in winter coats

The Benefits of a Humidifier in the Winter Months

Whether you love winter weather or are counting the days until spring, one thing is for certain: Cold, dry air can take its toll. From cracked skin and dry respiratory passages to a less comfortable home, there are many ways to feel the effects of the season. While you may not be able to escape the chill entirely, you can control your environment and make it more comfortable. The answer lies in using a humidifier for winter dryness.

Why Should I Use a Humidifier in the Winter?

Dry, chilly conditions can zap moisture from the air—including your indoor environment. Most homes have a humidity level of just 10% during the winter, which falls far too short of the ideal 40% to 60% range. Without ample moisture, your indoor air can leave you vulnerable to dry skin, increased germ activity, and uncomfortable static.

With a humidifier, however, you can maintain optimal indoor humidity levels to reduce some of the health effects of dry air. Here are some of the most noteworthy advantages to consider.

Improve Dry Throat and Cough

If you experience a dry throat or chronic cough during the winter months, the chilly air could be to blame. Dry air reduces moisture in your nasal passage and throat, often leading to congestion, a dry or itchy throat, or an uncomfortable cough.

Increasing the relative humidity (RH) levels in your home can help lubricate your nasal passage and throat, helping to reduce inflammation and improve your breathing.

Reduce Static Electricity Build-Up

When air is dry, electrons can’t move as freely and will accumulate in spots like rugs, clothing, and even your body. The result is static, which manifests as notorious zaps when you touch certain objects, clingy fabrics, and uncooperative hair.

ncreasing the moisture level of the air in your home reduces the strength of the bond between electrons and the surfaces they build up on, meaning less static electricity and fewer shocks.

Rehydrate Dry or Flaky Winter Skin

Dry, cold air causes an acceleration of water loss from the skin into the atmosphere. When your skin loses water more rapidly than it can be replaced by natural moisturizers—namely sweat and sebum—it dries out uncomfortably. Seasonal conditions are one cause, but cranking the heat can lead to further dryness. Left unaddressed, this can lead to cracking, bleeding, or trigger a flare-up of common skin conditions, like psoriasis or eczema. Dryness can appear elsewhere, too, including chapped lips.

Humidifiers are exceptionally effective for dry, flaky skin during the winter months and can help you maintain healthy, hydrated skin year-round.

Babies and young children have more delicate skin, so they’re even more likely to feel the effects of dry winter air. Adding a humidifier to their nursery or bedroom will help keep them calmer and more comfortable.

Kill Common Winter Viruses

Bedside Humidifier | Lifestyle, Woman sleeping next to a Canopy Bedside Humidifier

Air with less than 40% RH can increase your chances of viral infection by interfering with the body’s immune function, increasing the amount of time a virus can “float” in the air, and allowing germs to thrive throughout your home1.

Routinely running your humidifier to maintain optimal humidity levels can help reduce the survival rate of viruses in your home and decrease the chances of illness during the winter months.

Keep House Plants Healthy

Controlled indoor humidity levels will help your plants thrive. Many houseplants—including ferns, orchids, fiddle leaf, and air plants—require higher levels of humidity. Placing your plants near or in the same room as your humidifier provides them with the perfect amount of moisture for a long, healthy life.

Just remember that dry-habitat plants, like succulents and cacti, should be kept away from your humidifier. These drought-tolerant species tend to thrive in arid conditions and can be susceptible to root rot if they’re exposed to too much moisture.

Which Is the Best Humidifier for Winter?

The best humidifier for winter is the one that will work for your environment and lifestyle. As you weigh your options, the size and comfort level of your space and the maintenance routine that fits into your schedule. Here are some tips to guide you.

Choose a Sufficient Output

One of the most important features when choosing a humidifier for winter home use is output. A larger room requires a humidifier with more output than a smaller one.

Let’s say you’re planning to place your humidifier in the bedroom. If your room is 400 square feet, you’ll need a humidifier that can sufficiently raise relative humidity levels in a space that size. With an output of up to 500 square feet, Canopy’s Bedside Humidifier 2.0 is ideal for average-sized rooms.

For a larger space of up to 1,000 square feet, try our Large Room Humidifier. This device is perfect for apartments and shared living spaces in houses.

Stay hydrated on the go with our Portable Humidifier; this compact humidifier was made for travel, whether you’re commuting to the office or spending a few days in a hotel room. This travel humidifier has up to an 11-hour battery life, along with a 500 mL tank that lasts for up to 24 hours of run time.

Look for Mold-Inhibiting Properties

Replenishing moisture in your living space is the key to fighting many winter wellness issues, but too much moisture can backfire by inviting mold development. The solution to combating mold and mildew lies in selecting a mold-deterring device.

Canopy’s Bedside Humidifier 2.0 reduces mold growth by 99% through innovative Smart Persistent Airflow™ technology. It also keeps microbes at bay with antimicrobial parts, a UV light, and a new and improved mold-inhibiting filter that exceeds MERV 1 air filtration standards.

Opt for Low Maintenance

During the dry, winter months, you’re likely to run your humidifier more often than during the summer months—and means more cleaning. The easier a device is to clean, the more likely you are to do it.

Our Canopy Bedside Humidifier 2.0 is as low maintenance as it gets. We made the tank opening larger and the top grill removable for easier, more thorough cleaning. All the components that touch water—meaning the tank, tray, cap, and grill—are all dishwasher safe to make cleaning even more convenient.

Portable Humidifier | Moonstruck

Portable Humidifier

Regular price
Starting at $90
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Large Room Humidifier | Cream

Large Room Humidifier

Regular price
Starting at $215
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From skin health to overall wellbeing, Canopy is your partner for whole-home wellness. Our humidifiers are FSA/HSA eligible, which can help you save 30–40% on your device. Find out more about our simple four-step ordering process and take advantage of your wellness benefits.


  1. Roberts, C. (2 March 2022). Should You Use a Humidifier to Prevent COVID-19 or Flu? Consumer Reports. Retrieved February 5, 2025, from

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